
Affectionately called the PDG (Personal Development Guy) throughout my graduate education and post-graduate coach training, I have always been passionate about developing myself and others.  While I certainly have more traditional interests such as traveling, eating out, weight lifting, dancing, reading, watching all genre of movies and spending time with family and friends, in the midst of these activities I often think about and want to discuss how we, as people, can become better versions of ourselves.  From learning about and attempting (keyword) to eat and exercise in healthy ways, to identifying the insights popular culture can offer about life, to chatting with my friends about their values, goals and spirituality, I love learning from experiences and integrating new ideas in ways that can help people grow, develop and become.

While this is helpful if I desire to be a dynamic, emotionally intelligent, inquisitive and open-minded professional, I believe pursuing my own personal development is essential if I hope to be a better husband for my wife, Katie, and eventual father for our future children.  I believe that you will not wake up one day having become someone you haven’t already been becoming.  Being vigilant and mindful of this belief gives me poise and passion as I stay aware of the kind of professional, man, husband and father I want to become.

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My greatest accomplishment is growing into a partner more closely resembling the one Katie deserves.  In its most basic form, leadership requires that we lead ourselves; and I am proud knowing I have lead myself to love, listen to and learn from Katie with intentionality and humility.  Katie has taught me so much about adventure, kindness, generosity, patience, forgiveness and grace.  I am motivated to grow personally, academically and professionally, so that I can be more like the person Katie believes I can become.