“ “The future belongs to those who dare to envision the future, treat their vision as fact, and take responsibility for translating their vision into reality.””
The Strategic Futuring™ Program Overview
Strategic Futuring is a structured career & life visioning & planning process. Delivered as an individualized coaching program, Strategic Futuring can help you identify and leverage your most important values, authentic strengths and treasured accomplishments to crate vision-based goals and partnerships that pull you into the future you envision. Strategic Futuring was created and developed by Ray Rood, Founder of The Genysys Group, while he was coaching and developing graduate students, corporate executives, community leaders and individuals involved in life transitions. Originally designed for individuals experiencing (or interested in experiencing) change in their work, relationships and/or personal life, Strategic Futuring has helped hundreds of people better define and achieve their highest personal and professional goals.
As a Certified Strategic Futuring Facilitator, I am trained to lead individuals and groups through this unique career & life visioning & planning process.
Strategic Futuring is based on sociological research, human development principles, adult learning theories, and organizational transformation experience. Strategic Futuring draws significantly from Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, and is described in detail in the Amazon bestselling book by Priscilla Rose (2016): The Future Belongs to Those Who Dare.
Strategic Futuring™ Might Be Right For You If:
You are toying with the idea of, or maybe even daring yourself to, step up in your life.
You are skeptical about coaching and want something more structured with concrete outcomes.
You are in (or are really ready for) a significant shift in your work or personal life.
You want a partner in your immediate reflection and planning as you decide what's next.
You want a clear vision for your life that can guide future goal-setting and decision-making.
Do you feel like you are watching your life go by and wondering what will happen next?
Strategic Futuring seeks to address the sense of powerlessness and anxiety prompted by that watching and wondering by intentionally:
Challenging you to change from a reactionary appraoch to one of purposeful direction.
Guiding you to develop a clear vision of your ideal future.
Motivating you to take strategic action to achieve your goals.
The Strategic Futuring™ Program Structure
This program is comprised of five distinct processes addressed in five 2-hour sessions, which can be facilitated 1-on-1 or as a small group workshop, in person or virtually through video conferencing. The five processes, outlined below, include a variety of in-session reflection activities, exercises and conversations as well as between-session assignments.
Session 1: "Strategic Introspection" to Identify Your Foundation
Who am I and where have I come from?
Session 2: "Strategic Orientation" to Clarify Your Perspective
Where am I today and what are my questions of the future?
Session 3: "Strategic Envisioning" to Articulate Your Vision
Where do I see myself in the future?
Session 4: "Strategic Planning" to Outline Your Action
What is my plan for moving toward my future?
Session 5: "Strategic Partnering" to Ensure Your Success
What is my support and accountability system?
““Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.””
Strategic Futuring™ Outcomes
At the conclusion of the Strategic Futuring process you will essentially walk away with a navigational tool, in the process itself, through which you can continually guide yourself toward the life you want.
However, your concrete takeaways are:
A deep understanding of who you are and what is important to you in your ideal future.
A clear vision for your life and concise Vision Statement that can inform future decisions.
A concrete Action Plan for how you want to grow and what you want to achieve over the next 2-3 years, including:
Five clearly defined Goal Statements
Noteworthy Issues/Challenges/Barriers for each goal
Tangible Short-Term (90-Day) SMART Objectives for each goal
Support needed to accomplish each goal
A structured support and accountability system to ensure your success.
Additional post-process coaching calls if needed.
Strategic Futuring™ Facilitation Options
Whether integrated as part of a broader and more holistic Personal Coaching commitment or as a stand-alone experience to jump start your personal and professional development, Strategic Futuring might be a valuable investment in your future.
Strategic Futuring can also be facilitated to groups and is especially beneficial for college students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. If you are interested in learning more about Strategic Futuring, going through the process yourself or seeking to have a team or student group go through the process, please don't hesitate to reach out. I would be happy to share more information and help you discern if Strategic Futuring is the tool and experience you are looking for.
““I wholeheartedly enjoyed completing Strategic Futuring with David. Through the Strategic Futuring process, I was able to identify the goals that will help me achieve my version of success, and implement a plan to tackle them. I learned so much about myself — my real purpose, what makes me tick, and how I can live a more intentional life. David’s insightful questions and coaching have helped me gain a new perspective on my life and uncover a number of areas to work on. In the months following Strategic Futuring, I’ve been able to set into place a plan to launch a new product and my company has begun testing this concept with customers. I truly believe this experience has given me the tools and tactics to achieve even more than I could imagine. The ongoing accountability of routinely meeting with David ensures that I’ll be consistently working on the goals that will help me unlock business and personal success.””
““The OHIO Fellows (a Scholars Program for undergraduate students) at Ohio University contracted David to facilitate the Strategic Futuring program virtually, via 5 interactive video-conference sessions, with the OHIO Fellows students. Despite the difficulties sometimes associated with web-based teaching/learning, David was able to make each session engaging and meaningful for the Fellows. Through the program, David guided each Fellow to create a vision of their desired future and outline a plan for achieving it. Students spoke highly of David’s passion, thought-provoking questions and perspective on career and life planning as impactful elements of the overall experience. David is organized and easy to work with, and we are excited to bring David on next year to facilitate Strategic Futuring with a new cohort of Fellows.””